Summer 2020 Newsletter

Summer Newsletter

Dear Patient,

We hope you’re keeping well during this time, and all of us at SPCR are pleased there has been an improvement in the current Covid-19 situation since our last newsletter.

Our clinic is operating as usual now, with the majority of our studies open to new participants, and our hardworking team utilising PPE and additional hygiene measures to keep you safe.

Our Neuropathy and Diabetes Studies

We’re currently enrolling patients on to our neuropathy and diabetes studies, which had until recently been paused due to Covid-19. We’re happy to be back on track with our efforts to improve the treatment options available for people with diabetes and neuropathy, and if you are interested in any of these studies, you can complete our online form by following this link

Find out more about one of our neuropathy and diabetes studies below.



Diabetes Week and Carers Week 2020

This week is diabetes awareness week, and the charity are aiming to paint #TheBigPicture, by showing the triumphs, the setbacks, the daily routines and the unexpected turns of living with diabetes. You can sign up for the diabetes UK newsletter here.

This week is also carers week, and we’d like to show our support for those who are looking after relatives or loved ones during this incredibly difficult period.

The pandemic has seen an increase in unpaid carers by millions. You can add your voice to the carers wall to help raise awareness of the challenges faced by 6.5 million people in the UK.

Science and Covid-19 News Roundup

An unprecedented moment in science and technology – these 12 innovations are set to revolutionise medicine.

An enquiry is launched by the UK’s equality watchdog to look at the disproportionate coronavirus infection rate and deaths experienced in BAME communities

Remdesivir, the first approved coronavirus medicine, will soon be available for certain NHS patients

Bike shop owners are struggling to meet the huge surge in demand for bicycles during lockdown

Cleaner air in the UK has reduced asthma symptoms for millions

The Patient Journey 

We’ve been working on our Patient Journey page which we hope will answer any questions about clinical research, the study process, and any terminology you may not be familiar with. You can read these articles by clicking the buttons below.



Clinical Research and Covid-19 

Clinical trials into coronavirus are paving the way for a greater understanding of the illness, and there are hundreds of studies taking place throughout the world to ensure science is equipped with the knowledge on how best to tackle the virus.

You can contribute to global research efforts by accessing the NIHR’s Covid-19 page, with many of us making a difference by doing something as simple as giving blood.


Living with a preexisting health condition during coronavirus

All aspects of life have been impacted by the pandemic, and for those who live with a health condition which means they may be more susceptible to a severe infection, the added stress from this can feel overwhelming.

Below you will find some useful resources for people living with some of these health conditions. This list is not exhaustive, and for the full list of people who are more at risk, follow this link to access the NHS website.

• Diabetes – A new website has been launched for diabetics which gives advice for managing the condition during the pandemic
• Alzheimer’s – The resource page compiled by Alzheimer’s Society covers everything from general coronavirus advice to advice on home support, hospital support and FAQ’s
• Obesity – World Obesity Federation have a list of FAQ’s on their website on coronavirus and the risks associated with obesity
• Arthritis –  Arthritis Foundation’s recently updated updated Covid-19 page cover FAQ’s and advice in great detail

Coronavirus and mental wellbeing

The pandemic has taken an unprecedented toll on our mental health. If you feel like you need support, the below links might be useful.
1.  Every mind matters – NHS advice for mental wellbeing
2.  Supporting someone else who is struggling – Time to change advice on how to help friends and family who may be having a hard time
3. Mental health resources – The royal college of psychiatrists have compiled a list of useful links for patients and carers
4. Mental health fallout – This WHO article gives insight on the repercussions of the pandemic on global mental health

We hope this newsletter has been an informative addition to your inbox. Remember, we’re only a phone call away if you have any queries or concerns about your study. Take care!

From all of us at St Pancras Clinical Research

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