COVID-19 and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

If you are a person with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, you may be feeling anxious about how your illness could increase the risks associated with a COVID-19 infection. Since coronavirus is a new disease, we cannot say whether or not having CRPS makes you prone to a severe infection, but there are some medications such as steroids which may heighten your risk of complications as they are immunosuppressants. Any person who is taking immunosuppressant medication should be vigilant and remain indoors, in line with government guidelines. If you have questions about your medication you should always contact your healthcare provider or pain specialist.

There are potential risks associated with opioid patches (transdermal patches) and COVID-19 infections, and also the possibility of a flare up of your CRPS symptoms if you become ill with COVID-19. The Burning Nights website has more information on this, and the British Pain Society have provided an update on managing pain disorders during the pandemic. You can view the document here in full.

1. If you are concerned about making an appointment, or a prescription renewal, remember there are ways to do this that don’t involve leaving your home.

Thanks to Telehealth and mobile apps, appointments can be made online with ease. Contact your GP branch to find out how you can communicate with your practice and pain team this way.

2. Remember that if you are on opioid therapy and use transdermal patches, increased absorption may occur with a fever.

If this is you, raise this with your pain specialist.

3. Do you have access to hand sanitiser or hand wash?

If like most people you are struggling to purchase these items, you can make DIY hand sanitiser. The links at the bottom of this page may help.

4. Routine is important for our mental health.

There is no right or wrong way to manage our feelings during this time. Emotional and mental wellbeing are important parts of managing pain, and maintaining as much of our routine as possible can help us feel somewhat normal. If we can’t maintain our old routine, planning a new one to see us through this period of time might be a good idea.

5. Communicate with your friends and loved ones as much as possible.

We have an abundance of technology which makes communicating during this time much easier. Make the most of Skype, Facebook, Zoom and other video conferencing services to nurture your relationships with friends and family.

The following links might help:

  1. Homemade hand sanitiser recipes
  2. British Pain Society COVID-19 update
  3. Coping with coronavirus anxiety whilst living with a chronic illness
  4. Burning Nights COVID-19 update

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